miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014


          Finally, here my first bilingual unit is finished.

         This unit is called “Powers of natural numbers” and is made for children who study Mathematics at First Course of Secondary School.     Students from this level, usually know general concepts of powers, but it is necessary for them to use it in world problems.     For this reason, the unit starts with a review of the things that they have learnt during the previous years. After that, powers of ten and properties of powers are introduced with songs and videos, which are an enjoyable way to learn.     At the end of the unit, they investigate on the internet about big sizes in the Space and about British and Spanish astronauts.     All these subjects are worked with AICLE methodology, in order for students to improve their four skills in English language, namely listening, writing, speaking and listening.

     “Powers in world problems” are about the following learning outcomes:

     1.     To use powers in order to solve world problems.  

     2.   To use powers of ten  to  write big numbers.

     3.     To apply the properties of powers.

    4.   To know the specific vocabulary and improve the four skills in a language.

     To get these objectives, the following contents are needed:

     1. Concept of power. Definitions.

     2. Powers rules.

     3. Expression of big numbers using powers of ten.

     4. Resolution of world problems.

         The principal objective of the L2 is that students develop their  four language skills: listening to the songs and videos; writing the solutions of the problems and the investigation activity; reading the problems and websites; and speaking when they explain each other their investigation activity. The language assistant will help them with their doubts.

           The structure of the unit is detailed next:

     First session:

        Helped by the following song, pupils review the vocabulary and definitions which they learnt at Primary School.

        And next, they work alone doing the worksheet "all form":

     Finally, they use the internet to practice more with the following game.

     Second session:

        Now it is time to practice with the concepts worked in the previous session, so that students apply them in world problems.

        At the beginning of the worksheet, they have a glossary with the unknown vocabulary. However, they will be allowed to use the dictionary if it is necessary.

        They work in pairs and do the exercises of two kind of worksheets: “Plots” for advanced level students and “Trains and passengers” for students who need to consolidate the knowledge they have acquired.

Third session: 

          At the beggining of the class, students will be given  a math glossary in order to know the vocabulary  they need to understand the following activity.

          In this session students will learn the powers rules with this video.

      And next, they work alone doing the worksheets:

       Product rule           Quotient rule                  Power rule

Fourth session:

        This time, students will review what they have learnt thanks to two different activities.

       First, they will fill in a sheet including a revision  of the most important concepts taught, and second they will work in pairs and solve world problems given in the worksheet "world problems".

    Fifth session: 

        Now, students will sail on the internet in order to learn how to write big numbers by using powers of ten. And do the  worksheet "Let´s investigate" in groups of five people.

          In this activity the language assistant´s help is needed, so that students understand, write and express their opinions in class.

    Sixth session:    

         In this session they will finish the investigation activity and prepare their exhibition. Students will be helped by the teacher and the language assistant.

Seventh session:    

         The objective of this last session is that student expose what they have discovered with their investigation activity.

-            Finally, we must evaluate. For this reason, the evaluation instrument will be:
              1.  Individual work (worksheets) and collaboration in class.
              2. Team works.
              3. Oral presentations.
              4. Written investigation works.
       5. There will be a written exam in order to evaluate the knowledge of students at the end of the unit.

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